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summaries - Feb 2023 -

Abu Dhabi – Your Next Stop for Business Expansion

Abu Dhabi is a proven expansion ground and a gateway to the world’s fastest-growing economies. It has recognizably nurtured a supportive business environment, unparalleled connectivity and infrastructure and an entrepreneurial mindset that presents investors with plentiful growth opportunities. This session showcased the priority sectors and highlight the role they are playing in the growth of Abu Dhabi and communicate the support, incentives and initiatives available to investors within the respective sectors.
summaries - Mar 2023 -

Transforming the Food Industry: Innovations and Solutions for a Sustainable Future

In this session, industry leaders discuss innovative solutions to tackle the global food security challenge in the face of climate change.
summaries - Mar 2023 -

Entrepreneurial Solutions to the Challenges of Sustainable Food Production: Insights from RedSea CEO

In this session titled "Success Stories in Entrepreneurship: RedSea," Ryan Lefers, a scientist turned CEO, discusses how their nanotechnology can extend growing seasons and reduce water expenditure in harsh climates.
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